Website Policy Audit

for Harbourview Primary School

We analysed the website for Harbourview Primary School on Tue Feb 06 2024. We found the following policies.

Policies that are required to be on your website

Policy category
Policies on website
Found on page(s)
Last review
Next review
May 2021
July 2025
Charging and remissions
October 2021
June 2025
November 2021
January 2024
The document is over 3 months out of date
Relationships education or relationships and sex education (RSE)
April 2023
January 2025
Whistle-blowing procedures
No policies found

Admission arrangements

Admission year
Policies on website
Found on page(s)
No policies found

Other policies found on your website

Policy category
Policies on website
Found on page(s)
Last review
Next review
Accessibility plan
May 2021
February 2024
The document is over 3 months out of date
Adopted children
June 2021
August 2025
July 2021
July 2025
August 2021
July 2025
September 2021
July 2025
Child protection
February 2021
April 2024
The document is over 3 months out of date
April 2023
November 2025
December 2021
November 2025
Data protection
January 2022
June 2025
March 2021
January 2025
Early years foundation stage (EYFS)
March 2022
July 2025
Equality information and objectives (public sector equality duty) statement for publication
February 2022
June 2025
February 2022
February 2025
First aid
May 2022
September 2025
July 2022
August 2025
Freedom of information
September 2022
November 2022
The document is over 3 months out of date
Health and safety
June 2022
February 2024
The document is over 3 months out of date
August 2022
September 2025
ICT and internet acceptable use
October 2022
June 2025
Marking and feedback
April 2022
November 2025
Online safety
November 2022
March 2025
Parent code of conduct
December 2022
November 2023
The document is over 3 months out of date
Privacy notices
March 2023
April 2024
The document is over 3 months out of date
March 2023
August 2025
Pupil premium
April 2023
August 2025
Remote learning
January 2021
June 2025
Special educational needs and disability (SEND)
April 2021
August 2025
Sports premium
October 2021
March 2025
Supporting pupils with medical conditions
January 2022
February 2023
The document is over 3 months out of date
March 2022
December 2025
Unknown category
January 2023
May 2025